If you’re sick of yo-yo dieting, tired of binge eating, or absolutely terrified of losing control around food…
…then it’s time for you to get honest with yourself.

If you’re sick of yo-yo dieting, tired of binge eating, or absolutely terrified of losing control around food…
…then it’s time for you to get honest with yourself.
Are you going to continue doing the same thing you’ve always done, and expecting to get a different result? Or… are you ready to step into a new and improved identity. The identity of the intuitive eater, who is completely FREE from the ties of dieting.
The identity of someone who is completely at peace with food, feels at home in her body, and is using her time and energy to focus on more important things?
Are you going to continue doing the same thing you’ve always done, and expecting to get a different result? Or… are you ready to step into a new and improved identity. The identity of the intuitive eater, who is completely FREE from the ties of dieting.
The identity of someone who is completely at peace with food, feels at home in her body, and is using her time and energy to focus on more important things?
Free from stressing out about food.
Free from counting calories or points or syns ever, EVER again.
Free from skipping social occasions because you’re worrying about what you’ll eat or wear.
Free from stressing out about food.
Free from counting calories or points or syns ever, EVER again.
Free from skipping social occasions because you’re worrying about what you’ll eat or wear.

“But Mel, I’m scared of losing control around food”!
Pay attention. Because this is important if you don’t want to stay stuck in that yo-yo diet cycle for the rest of your life.
You may think that by constantly being on a diet, that you’re the one in control.
But the truth is, it’s an illusion. Because if you’re honest with yourself, you feel trapped by the rules around what you can and can’t what you are and aren’t allowed to eat.
The truth is, you are being controlled by food.
And, the only way to escape this cycle, is to surrender control, and allow yourself to try something different.
Pay attention. Because this is important if you don’t want to stay stuck in that yo-yo diet cycle for the rest of your life.
You may think that by constantly being on a diet, that you’re the one in control.
But the truth is, it’s an illusion. Because if you’re honest with yourself, you feel trapped by the rules around what you can and can’t what you are and aren’t allowed to eat.
The truth is, you are being controlled by food.
And, the only way to escape this cycle, is to surrender control, and allow yourself to try something different.
“But Mel, I’ve tried it all”!
Intuitive eating is different than anything you’ve tried before – trust me.
It isn’t a diet – or diet in disguise – it’s less about listening to diet culture, and more about listening to your body.
Intuitive eating is different than anything you’ve tried before – trust me.
It isn’t a diet – or diet in disguise – it’s less about listening to diet culture, and more about listening to your body.
Here are some staggering statistics on dieting that society doesn’t tell you…
Here are some staggering
statistics on dieting that
society doesn’t tell you…
The average woman spends £25,000 in her lifetime on dieting and weight loss products.
11 times
She will lose her body weight 11 times OVER in her lifetime.
19 days
The average diet lasts just 19 days.
84% of diet clubs are made up of repeat customers who are losing and regaining the same weight, over and over again.

Not sure if you believe me? The stats say it all…
Not sure if you believe me?
The stats say it all…
75% of all American women experience unhealthy thoughts, feelings and behaviours related to food or their bodies every single day.
Only 4% of women consider themselves beautiful.
With this devastating data, it’s little wonder that people are turning away from diet culture – and turning towards intuitive eating instead.
All too often, dieters want to LOSE weight and GAIN worth…
…but here’s what you’ve really lost and gained.
With this devastating data, it’s little wonder that people are turning away from diet culture – and turning towards intuitive eating instead.
All too often, dieters want to LOSE weight and GAIN worth…
…but here’s what you’ve really lost and gained.
- You’ve forgotten how to trust yourself around food
- You’ve lost touch with your body’s hunger and satiety signals
- You no longer know how to make decisions for yourself
- You’ve weakened your intuition
- You have no idea how to operate without a diet
- You’ve created a ton of anxiety around mealtimes
- You see foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or ’safe’ and ‘unsafe’
- Your social life has taken a hit because you’re always worried about it affecting your diet
- All you can think about is your weight
- You’ve lost your confidence and don’t think you’ll get it back ’til you’re a certain shape or size
- You no longer actually enjoy anything you’re eating
Feeling like no matter how much weight you lose, you’ll never be good enough
Finding yourself bingeing, overeating, comfort eating or secret eating
Feeling embarrassed about and ashamed of your body, no matter how ‘well’ you’re doing on your diet
Numbing your feelings with food
Getting into relationships with people who don’t see your worth, because you aren’t seeing it for yourself
Feeling like if you stopped dieting, you’d lose your friends because you’d have nothing left to talk about
Worrying that if you weren’t dieting, you’d have no ‘hobby’ or anything to do with your spare time
- You’ve forgotten how to trust yourself around food
- You’ve lost touch with your body’s hunger and satiety signals
- You no longer know how to make decisions for yourself
- You’ve weakened your intuition
- You have no idea how to operate without a diet
- You’ve created a ton of anxiety around mealtimes
- You see foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or ’safe’ and ‘unsafe’
- Your social life has taken a hit because you’re always worried about it affecting your diet
- All you can think about is your weight
- You’ve lost your confidence and don’t think you’ll get it back ’til you’re a certain shape or size
- You no longer actually enjoy anything you’re eating
Feeling like no matter how much weight you lose, you’ll never be good enough
Finding yourself bingeing, overeating, comfort eating or secret eating
Feeling embarrassed about and ashamed of your body, no matter how ‘well’ you’re doing on your diet
Numbing your feelings with food
Getting into relationships with people who don’t see your worth, because you aren’t seeing it for yourself
Feeling like if you stopped dieting, you’d lose your friends because you’d have nothing left to talk about
Worrying that if you weren’t dieting, you’d have no ‘hobby’ or anything to do with your spare time

Over my many years of working with clients, and having had 1200 women go through Intuitive Eaters Academy since 2015, I’ve discovered that there are 5 key components to intuitive eating.
These are:
1. Rejecting Diet Culture
To embrace a new way of being around food, we must first address the ways in which diet culture has worked its way into our lives… before undoing the damage. This includes letting go of rules, numbers, counting, tracking, measuring, weighing… and allowing the scales to dictate how we feel about ourselves. When we reject diet culture, we create the space for a brand new relationship with food to be created, but we cannot be both intuitive eating, and dieting at the same time. The two are mutually exclusive.
2. Self Awareness
Practicing serious self awareness during this time is vital, and will help to fight any fears ‘losing control around food’. Practicing self awareness means becoming introspective and investigative of our own thoughts, feelings, and our emotions around food, so we can become more conscious of our choices, patterns and habits. This means we can learn to distinguish the difference between what is intuitive eating, and what is emotional eating.
3. Knowledge of Health and Wellbeing
Having a foundation of knowledge around your health and wellbeing is important, so you can start to experiment with nourishing your body with food in new ways. Overwhelm is not necessary here. You do not need to be a walking nutrition text book. But many of us get stuck in ruts when it comes to food, or feel paralysed when it comes to making decisions, because we just don’t know what to eat in order to make ourselves feel good, or we feel so confused with conflicting sources on the internet. Having a foundational knowledge of your own health and wellbeing, will ensure that you feel informed enough to make choices that add to the vitality of your life, rather than take it away.
4. Eating Psychology
Eating psychology is the study of our relationship with food, which is what I describe as ‘the iceberg’. Rather than pointing us simply to ‘what’ we are eating, as nutrition does, eating psychology is identifying everything that lies beneath those choices. Our eating psychology is ‘why’ we eat, ‘how’ we eat, and ‘who’ we are as eaters. This involves studying our programming around food from a very young age, the people around us and their programming, and everything else contextually that has led us to where we are today. This helps us to get crystal clear clarity on all of our decisions, so that we can start to create a better blueprint for food.
5. Self Love
Self love is the most overlooked component of making this transition away from dieting, and yet it is the glue that binds everything together. Without self love, our choices come from guilt, shame, punishment, or feelings of not being good enough. When you apply the tools you will learn for intuitive eating, combined with self love, your choices and habits will all come from the intention of having love for yourself, and your body. This makes the world of difference, and is the missing ingredient that most dieters are truly searching for deep down.
What influencers have to say…
Will the next 8 weeks be the ones you look back on as the time that you decided to completely change your life?

Will the next 8 weeks be the ones you look back on as the time that you decided to completely change your life?

Sure – diets give you a set of rules. But, your eating patterns and behaviours are all rooted in your core, which is why starting a new diet never really lasts long, before your old behaviours, patterns and habits creep back in. When we address our relationship with food and our bodies, we are really addressing our relationship with ourselves and our lives. In Intuitive Eaters Academy, we dig deep to deal with the root cause of the problem, rather than just chopping the weed at the surface and waiting for it to grow back. We get right into your individual eating psychology, and by the end of our work, you’ll feel truly free in all aspects of your life.
Diets are designed to help you fail, so that you keep rejoining over and over again. Cheat days and ‘unlimited’ food rules for particular food groups, encourage you to binge on the foods you’ve been told are ’safe’. In turn, it creates fear around ‘unsafe’ foods, which can lend itself to bingeing on dedicated ‘cheat’ meals and days. Dieting creates ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods, which means as soon as you’ve eaten one ‘bad’ food, you decide that seeing as you’re now you’re ‘off plan’, you ‘can’ binge on more ‘bad’ foods before you start being ‘good’ again. This encourages a complex around food that has us feeling guilty, ashamed, and like we are constantly competing for more virtue. In Intuitive Eaters Academy, you will learn how to eradicate all anxiety and fear around food, and ’neutralise’ food of ‘goodness’ and ‘badness’ which in turn strips it of its power, and gives the power back to YOU as the individual.
We all know will power only lasts so long. What lasts a lifetime, is your belief system. When you have a relationship with food that is intuitive and informed, you won’t need to rely on will power at all. In trusting yourself, you are empowering yourself, and empowered people don’t need will power. Their choices are coming from them, not a diet club.
notable side effects!
When you transform your relationship with food, you transform your relationship with yourself and with your life. This is where all change begins – which is why this program is called ‘life changing’ by our graduates, time and time and time again.
Taking back your power from food and looking for love from inside yourself rather than outside yourself for being a certain shape or size, or sticking to a certain calorie count will rub off in every other area of your life.
When you upgrade your relationship with food, you upgrade your relationship with yourself. And when you upgrade your relationship with yourself, all of your other relationships will also make massive improvements. If you’ve found yourself in relationships with partners that don’t treat you the way you deserve, expect this to change dramatically as you start believing that you are deserving of that treatment.
Sure – diets give you a set of rules. But, your eating patterns and behaviours are all rooted in your core, which is why starting a new diet never really lasts long, before your old behaviours, patterns and habits creep back in. When we address our relationship with food and our bodies, we are really addressing our relationship with ourselves and our lives. In Intuitive Eaters Academy, we dig deep to deal with the root cause of the problem, rather than just chopping the weed at the surface and waiting for it to grow back. We get right into your individual eating psychology, and by the end of our work, you’ll feel truly free in all aspects of your life.
Diets are designed to help you fail, so that you keep rejoining over and over again. Cheat days and ‘unlimited’ food rules for particular food groups, encourage you to binge on the foods you’ve been told are ’safe’. In turn, it creates fear around ‘unsafe’ foods, which can lend itself to bingeing on dedicated ‘cheat’ meals and days. Dieting creates ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods, which means as soon as you’ve eaten one ‘bad’ food, you decide that seeing as you’re now you’re ‘off plan’, you ‘can’ binge on more ‘bad’ foods before you start being ‘good’ again. This encourages a complex around food that has us feeling guilty, ashamed, and like we are constantly competing for more virtue. In Intuitive Eaters Academy, you will learn how to eradicate all anxiety and fear around food, and ’neutralise’ food of ‘goodness’ and ‘badness’ which in turn strips it of its power, and gives the power back to YOU as the individual.
We all know will power only lasts so long. What lasts a lifetime, is your belief system. When you have a relationship with food that is intuitive and informed, you won’t need to rely on will power at all. In trusting yourself, you are empowering yourself, and empowered people don’t need will power. Their choices are coming from them, not a diet club.
notable side effects!
When you transform your relationship with food, you transform your relationship with yourself and with your life. This is where all change begins – which is why this program is called ‘life changing’ by our graduates, time and time and time again.
Taking back your power from food and looking for love from inside yourself rather than outside yourself for being a certain shape or size, or sticking to a certain calorie count will rub off in every other area of your life.
When you upgrade your relationship with food, you upgrade your relationship with yourself. And when you upgrade your relationship with yourself, all of your other relationships will also make massive improvements. If you’ve found yourself in relationships with partners that don’t treat you the way you deserve, expect this to change dramatically as you start believing that you are deserving of that treatment.
About Mel
About Mel
Mel Wells is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, TEDX Speaker and the Bestselling Author of widely acclaimed books, ‘The Goddess Revolution’ and ‘Hungry For More’. She also founded The Self Love Summit, a LIVE weekend event in London to inspire and empower women from all over the world.
She has been featured in the Forbes Under 30, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, BBC Radio 1, Vogue, and more, as a leading women’s expert in her field.Mel dedicates her time to helping women worldwide ditch the dieting for good, make peace with food and completely fall in love with themselves so they can live their most epic fulfilled lives. Mel coaches women via her famous online Intuitive Eaters Academy and her luxury Goddess Retreats around the world.

Intuitive Eaters Academy isn’t a ‘diet’ (or ‘eating plan’) like all the others you’ve ‘tried and failed’.
It’s a 7-Module Transformation Process that will change you…
…from an anxious, controlling (and out of control), yo-yo dieter, to an intuitive eating, free and empowered woman in charge of her own life.
Intuitive Eaters Academy will help you forget what diet culture’s taught you, and remember how to trust your natural instincts.
When we transform our relationship with food, we transform our whole life.
Intuitive Eaters Academy will give you the tools to do just that.

Intuitive Eaters Academy is broken down into 7 core training modules.
All course materials, including streaming videos, MP3s, transcripts, worksheets, and more are within our online member’s area.

All of your choices around food are built upon your identity as an eater.
In this opening module, we’ll start with what’s most important: mindset – thinking like an intuitive eater.
Your relationship with food is a reflection of you… much more than you think. That means where you struggle, it struggles. And most people’s struggles with food, come directly from the identity they hold for themselves.
In this module, you’ll:
Learn the #1 way all intuitive eaters think and act, so you can begin to embody the mindset behind your new relationship with food.
Discover the 3 fears that hold most people back, and how you can overcome them.
Practice extreme self awareness, so you can knock self sabotaging behaviours on their head once and for all.
Lay the foundation for a success and growth mindset, so you can achieve the best results possible.
Understand how your relationship with food holds a mirror to not just your life, but The Universe itself.
Design a vision for your brand new relationship with food, so you have complete clarity on what you want.
Module 1 is about new beginnings, self discovery, casting a vision, and laying the foundation for a successful journey through transforming your relationship with food.

Our beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create feelings, our feelings create actions, and our actions create our habits.
In Module 2, we’ll start to really dismantle your beliefs around dieting, food, weight and your body, without leaving any stone unturned.
In this module, you’ll:
Unpack the damage that diets have done to your relationship with food, and start to unlearn diet culture, to relearn the truth.
Identify the root cause of your unwanted or damaging patterns surrounding food, dieting and weight, so you can understand them, and leave them behind you once and for all.
Understand the power of beliefs, and how yours have been stopping you from moving forward, and how we can design and create new ones for you to put in place.
Understand what causes bingeing, so you are empowered to beat bingeing for good, and finally find balance around food.
Learn 10 game changing shifts and beliefs that will turn everything you think you know about dieting and food, on its head. These shifts will cause a huge change in perspective for you in an instant.
Strengthen your intuition, and quiet your inner critic, so you can begin to think, feel and act for yourself – without a diet or set of rules to follow, and without judgement or criticism from the voices inside your head.
Understand your individual eating psychology so you can reshape your mindset around food to be aligned with your vision.
Module 2 is all about going deep beneath the surface of the water into the iceberg that makes up your relationship with food, taking a long hard look at your current beliefs, and creating a new powerful mindset that liberates you and empowers you around food.

Emotions are stored in the body, and when we suppress our emotions, we can develop habits that have negative implications on our lives.
In Module 3, we’ll focus on your emotional health and wellbeing, as well as how we can use our emotions as a guidance system to navigate our way through our days, weeks, months and years.
In this module, you’ll:
Understand the 6 components of health, why each component is equally as important as the next, and how all six can work together to create balance.
Learn the truth about emotional eating, so you can get to the root cause, break unwanted patterns for good, and stop falling into the same traps time and time again.
Identify the difference between emotions and intuition, so you aren’t second guessing yourself around food, but making empowered choices from a place of knowing.
Understand how to use your feelings as a compass, so you can begin to truly listen to the wisest part of you, and design your life based on how you most want to feel.
Module 3 is all about understanding and navigating the emotional self, to empower you to connect with your feelings instead of using food as a coping or avoiding mechanism. Expect tons of lightbulb moments in this module, that will have a tremendous impact on other areas of your life!

Our body is our home, our temple, and as Buddha said, our vehicle for awakening. In Module 4, we’ll truly come home to our bodies, and develop a friendship like no other.
In this module, you’ll:
Reconnect with your body in a way that you’ve never been able to before, which will feel like a homecoming for the soul.
Establish a new, trusting relationship with your body that feels like a truthful, accepting, and authentic love, that lasts a lifetime.
Learn and understand how to trust and listen to your body’s signals, how it reacts to certain foods, and how you can get into a conversation with your body, so you never feel ’stuffed’ to the point of pain again.
Become the expert of your own body, so you never fall victim to the latest diet trends or fads, but trust your body first and foremost to help you create a lifestyle you love.
Design a new relationship with movement and exercise, based in love and celebration for your body, rather than punishment or guilt.
Understand your menstrual cycle and how this affects your mood, your hormones, and your cravings every month.
Module 4 is a homecoming. If you’ve been at war with your body for what seems like a lifetime, expect this module to be cathartic, emotional and rewarding beyond belief. This module will help you finally understand self love, and allowing your body to feel like lifelong ally.

If you’ve felt overwhelmed by the world of nutrition, and like everything you read contradicts itself, this module will help you cut through the paralysis, and give you the tools to have everything you need to know to create a healthy lifestyle that reflects a balanced relationship with food.
In this module, you’ll:
Learn how to find your own balance with food, so you never feel restricted or out of control again, but are free to make your own empowered choices for nourishment, pleasure, and enjoyment.
Make friends with fear foods, and dismantle any dogma, so that you are able to eat freely and without judgement or perfectionism ruling the show.
Reclaim your favourite foods and meals, but this time from an empowered, intuitive place – where no food has a hold over you.
Learn a foundational knowledge of nutrition, by learning the key principles of a healthy lifestyle that will enable your body to thrive, with no counting, no numbers, no strict rules, and no fancy or expensive superfoods necessary, but incorporating all the foods you and your body love.
Fall back in love with food – cooking and preparing food for yourself again, even if you have a busy or hectic lifestyle, or don’t know what to eat.
Cement a new relationship with food that nourishes you, supports you, and leaves you always feeling satisfied, happy and content when it comes to mealtimes.
Module 5 is designed to inform you on your health and nutrition, so you can make informed, intuitive choices to design the lifestyle you want, while allowing your body to thrive and feel the best it’s ever felt!

Module 6 is about becoming the leading lady in your own life – by looking at every area of your life – your work, your relationships, your family, friendships and your environment too.
In this module, you’ll:
Learn how to design a life you love, even if you’ve felt disconnected from your passions, or like you’ve been unworthy of following your dreams.
Discover the self belief you’ve always dreamed of having, so you can feel unstoppable in moving forwards towards the life you deserve.
Infuse your life with positivity and fulfilment, so you can thrive and grow, putting your passions and things you love, first and foremost, so you can lead a life that lights you up!
Learn how to handle diet culture in your friendship circles, whether it be at a work party, in the office, or at your mother-in-law’s, so you know how to respond to people with love, intention and respect.
Audit your life, your circles, your social networks, and what you consume in terms of media, so that you are infusing your life with positivity, and media that encourages your growth and self love.
Module 6 is all about designing the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of, but have always been held back by your relationship with food and your body. This module will empower you to become the leading lady in your own life, so that you put your happiness first, and never fall victim to diet culture or negative self talk again.

In our final module, we’ll revisit your vision and your dreams, so you can bring everything together and step into your dream life. The sky’s the limit here!
In our 7th and final module, you’ll:
Understand what you’re truly hungry for out of life, so you can gain clarity on your vision, and satisfy your soul cravings – so you can lead a truly full up life.
Get clear on your next steps on your journey of self discovery, personal growth and leading a life in alignment with your soul.
Learn how to manifest your biggest dreams using the law of attraction, combined with all of the tools you already have.
Become an inspiration to others with your beautiful journey, and learn how to pass what you’ve learned on to others!

Each module is made up of both written and practical, powerful assignments to help you get the maximum possible results from this program. Not to be skipped, these assignments will challenge you to step up for yourself in a way you never thought possible, until now.
By the end of these 7 modules, you’ll have completely transformed the way you think, feel and act when it comes to food, your body – and your life. You’ll have the confidence to take on any challenge life throws at you, and you’ll finally have your power back around food.
By the end of these 7 modules, you’ll have completely transformed the way you think, feel and act when it comes to food, your body – and your life. You’ll have the confidence to take on any challenge life throws at you, and you’ll finally have your power back around food.
Get started now!
Get started now!
Choose the Intuitive Eaters Academy plan that works best for you…
1 payment of
$697 USD
(£540 GBP depending on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
3 monthly payments of
$247 USD
(£192 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
6 monthly payments of
$127 USD
(£97 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook

Enroll now, and get these additional trainings and masterclasses absolutely free!
Bonus 1
EAT TO NOURISH cooking videos!
5 Bonus Cooking Videos with TV chef Dale Pinnock - a.k.a., The Medicinal Chef - to inspire you to try something new! These dinner recipes are all under 20 minutes, healthy, and with ingredients that are inexpensive and easy to find.
Value $199 - included in your Intuitive Eaters Tuition

Meet the Academy Alumni!

Will the next 8 weeks be the ones you look back on as the time that you decided to completely change your life?

Will the next 8 weeks be the ones you look back on as the time that you decided to completely change your life?

BUT… this program is not for everyone.
Although a number of Academy Alumni have said that their work with me has made more of an impact on themselves and their lives than anything else has…
…The Intuitive Eaters Academy only works for people who are
to make a real change in their lives.
BUT… this program is not for everyone.
Although a number of Academy Alumni have said that their work with me has made more of an impact on themselves and their lives than anything else has…
…The Intuitive Eaters Academy only works for people who are
to make a real change in their lives.
Who is it for?
Who is it for?
The Intuitive Eaters Academy IS for you if you are:
- Sick of always being on a diet, always failing the diet and having to start again on Monday
- Forever falling off the wagon and trying to undo the damage at the gym
- Always tracking everything on apps before you eat it
- Fed up of standing on the scale every morning letting it dictate how your day goes
- Sick of thinking about food 24/7
- Sick of always feeling guilty for what you eat
- Sick of always feeling ‘out of control’ when it comes to food
- Sick of always sabotaging your best efforts
- Ready to step into a brand new identity as an intuitive eater
- Ready to finally embrace your body and love it more than you ever imagined
- Ready to stop the self hate and finally get your life back
- Ready to completely overhaul your mindset when it comes to food
- Ready to stop obsessing and step into a life beyond your wildest dreams
Who is it not for?
People NOT willing to prioritise internal over external change, try new tools and techniques, or give up their old identity as a yo-yo dieter!
Get started now!
Get started now!
Choose the Intuitive Eaters Academy plan that works best for you…
1 payment of
$697 USD
(£540 GBP depending on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
3 monthly payments of
$247 USD
(£192 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
6 monthly payments of
$127 USD
(£97 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook

What the press has to say…
Get started now!
Get started now!
Choose the Intuitive Eaters Academy plan that works best for you…
1 payment of
$697 USD
(£540 GBP depending on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
3 monthly payments of
$247 USD
(£192 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook
6 monthly payments of
$127 USD
(£97 GBP dependng on conversion rates)
- Full Academy curriculum
- Lifetime access to the Academy content
- Lifetime access to the Academy community on Facebook

I know what you’re thinking…
What kind of stuff will I be eating? I have IBS/Allergies/not had success with diet plans before.
Inside Intuitive Eaters Academy, there are no meal plans, no good or bad foods and strict rules around your diet (let’s be honest – you know all that already) and I’m not going to force you to drink green juice and do yoga on the daily – if you don’t want to! Intuitive Eaters Academy teaches you to have the amazing relationship with your food and your body that you have always deserved, and design a lifestyle you love and are proud of. It’s a lot less about WHAT you eat, and more about the HOW and the WHY.
I'm terrified to give up dieting!
I know – and I’ve been exactly where you are. But how much longer will you go round and round in circles, doing the same thing and expecting to get a different result? Intuitive Eaters Academy is based in eating psychology, coaching and personal development – a completely different approach to what dieting has taught us. Be prepared for everything to be turned completely on its head, and for you to finally have the freedom you’ve been craving. And remember, this is NOT a weight loss program. This is a transformational LIFE program. We are about happiness, health and above all, freedom for you to reclaim your life!
Will I lose weight on this program?
No easy answer here, I’m afraid. Although many students report quitting bingeing and overeating along this journey, Intuitive Eaters Academy is NOT a weight loss program, and we encourage you to let go of this as a goal completely in order to get the best results from the program. This program is for women who are ready to ditch diet culture, heal their disordered or dysfunctional relationships with food and their bodies, and embrace a way of intuitive eating and self love. This program will help you come home to your body, regardless of weight. This program promotes acceptance of body diversity, body acceptance, and Health at Every Size. We believe self love is for every body that has a body!
What if I don’t have time to do the program right now?
When you join Intuitive Eaters Academy, you get lifetime access to the program! This means that you can go back and retake the course whenever you like, and you can take as long as you need to complete it. This also means that you’ll get access to any new updates to the program that I may add, and all future versions of the Academy, along with any extra free bonuses we add too! That means – you join once, and you’ll forever receive the very best and most updated content I have in this expertise.
Why are your prices in dollars, not pounds?
We have members inside Intuitive Eaters Academy from over 40 different countries around the world, which is why we price in US dollars. It makes it easier for all of our international students!
Who can join this program?
This program is for anyone who identifies as a woman. We have students inside Intuitive Eaters Academy from all over the world, and all different ages, from 18 all the way up to 70s! If you are under 18, please contact us at info@melwells.com as we will require parental consent for you to join. If you are aged under 21, or over 60, please email us at info@melwells.com for a young person or senior discount.
But I'm scared of 'letting myself go'!
Learning to love and accept yourself is not letting yourself go. In fact, it means you actually care MORE about yourself – but from a more empowered place, instead of clutching to diets for ‘control’. It means that your choices around food will be conscious, intuitive, and from a loving place – instead of on autopilot or instructed by a diet. Instead of always needing to turn to experts for advice, you will become the expert of your own body.
Do you issue refunds?
All sales are full and final and refunds will not be issued. We’re confident that The Academy is that mind expanding, transformational and soul nourishing, though, that you really, truly won’t want to lose it!
For life!
When you enrol in The Intuitive Eaters Academy you’ll automatically receive lifetime access to all the material, to work through at your own pace. I know we all lead busy lives, so this is yours for life – to keep coming back to whenever you need.
For life!
When you enrol in The Intuitive Eaters Academy you’ll automatically receive lifetime access to all the material, to work through at your own pace. I know we all lead busy lives, so this is yours for life – to keep coming back to whenever you need.

As I said: I am so confident that The Intuitive Eaters Academy will improve the relationship you have with food and your body that if it doesn’t – and you’ve done all the work – I will issue you a full refund!

Are you ready to live your life as an
Intuitive Eater?
To finally TRUST your body, and put the time and energy you wasted dieting into living your best life?