Ready to read your results?
Ready to read your results?

So, now you know what your relationship with food says about you, let’s dive in deeper darling…

– You work hard and you’re good at what you do

– You’re super-focused

– You’re organised, efficient and don’t waste time

– You’re committed

– You see things through

– You know exactly what you want

– You put the utmost care and attention into everything you do

– You’re a high achiever

– You’re driven to succeed

– You care about others

– You’re self-critical and can sometimes be too hard on yourself

– Your need to plan everything can sometimes prevent you from enjoying the moment

– Your desire for perfection can cause anxiety at times

– You can be overly competitive

– You often compare your appearance and/or accomplishments against unreal expectations leaving you feeling like you’re not enough

– Sometimes you care too much about what others think of you

– You struggle to allow yourself to experience pleasure

– You work hard and you’re good at what you do

– You’re super-focused

– You’re organised, efficient and don’t waste time

– You’re committed

– You see things through

– You know exactly what you want

– You put the utmost care and attention into everything you do

– You’re a high achiever

– You’re driven to succeed

– You care about others

– You’re self-critical and can sometimes be too hard on yourself

– Your need to plan everything can sometimes prevent you from enjoying the moment

– Your desire for perfection can cause anxiety at times

– You can be overly competitive

– You often compare your appearance and/or accomplishments against unreal expectations leaving you feeling like you’re not enough

– Sometimes you care too much about what others think of you

– You struggle to allow yourself to experience pleasure


Keep reading to hear how some small changes can make your relationship with food abundantly better…

Keep reading to hear how some small changes can make your relationship with food abundantly better…

Be present. Being efficient is a great thing. You don’t like to waste your time, but babe, being is not a waste of time. You don’t need to be doing something at all times just so you can feel productive. In fact, you can do amazing things by simply being, trust me. Sitting still and watching the world go by will allow your mind and body to relax, which will allow for greater and more efficient productivity in the longterm. Running yourself into the ground to complete tasks at a frenzied pace is not a badge to be worn with pride. Relax, be present and simply be for a few moments every day. Those moments will clarify your thoughts and allow you to truly make the most of your time, without the added stress.


Fill your to-do list with LIFE, not just tasks. To-do lists are great but to live and die by them is a waste of your energy. Make a to-do list for yourself that includes life moments, not just tasks. Think meditation, a chilled walk with your dog or your partner, time to read something other than your emails/Facebook/Instagram feeds! Include these moments for you to relax in your to-do list, and eventually you will learn to include them without having to write them down. Make them a daily part of your life and aim for the to-do list to control less of your time and instead just act as a guideline.

Take off the blinders. Always aiming for an end-goal or accomplishment may actually be distracting you from what’s important. Tunnel vision can dominate your focus and take your thoughts away from the process until you arrive there – which in turn can mean there are moments, days, maybe even years of your life that you are missing in your pure pursuit of the finish line. You know the cliche: Life isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey. Think about what that really means. If you’re only focused on your destination, you’re missing out on the entirety of life. Don’t miss your own life!

Stop wasting time in the past. Ever notice yourself constantly overanalyzing and rehashing situations in your mind? Want to know what that does? Nothing. It accomplishes absolutely nothing except wasting time – which is precisely what you don’t like, right?! So let’s take a minute and agree that going over and over that conversation in your head hours or days after it’s already happened won’t actually change the conversation. What’s done is done. The best thing you can do is catch yourself and refocus your thoughts on something positive. Focus on where you are in that moment. Choose to be positive and your thoughts will soon follow on their own.

Don’t be perfect, enjoy perfect moments. You love your friends and family and know that they deserve nothing less than perfection, right? But they don’t need the most perfectly planned birthday party every year — they need a perfect hug every day. Or a perfect moment as you laugh at something funny together. They don’t need you to be perfect. The people you love just need to spend perfect everyday moments with you. Allow yourself to enjoy them.

Be present. Being efficient is a great thing. You don’t like to waste your time, but babe, being is not a waste of time. You don’t need to be doing something at all times just so you can feel productive. In fact, you can do amazing things by simply being, trust me. Sitting still and watching the world go by will allow your mind and body to relax, which will allow for greater and more efficient productivity in the longterm. Running yourself into the ground to complete tasks at a frenzied pace is not a badge to be worn with pride. Relax, be present and simply be for a few moments every day. Those moments will clarify your thoughts and allow you to truly make the most of your time, without the added stress.


Fill your to-do list with LIFE, not just tasks. To-do lists are great but to live and die by them is a waste of your energy. Make a to-do list for yourself that includes life moments, not just tasks. Think meditation, a chilled walk with your dog or your partner, time to read something other than your emails/Facebook/Instagram feeds! Include these moments for you to relax in your to-do list, and eventually you will learn to include them without having to write them down. Make them a daily part of your life and aim for the to-do list to control less of your time and instead just act as a guideline.

Take off the blinders. Always aiming for an end-goal or accomplishment may actually be distracting you from what’s important. Tunnel vision can dominate your focus and take your thoughts away from the process until you arrive there – which in turn can mean there are moments, days, maybe even years of your life that you are missing in your pure pursuit of the finish line. You know the cliche: Life isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey. Think about what that really means. If you’re only focused on your destination, you’re missing out on the entirety of life. Don’t miss your own life!

Stop wasting time in the past. Ever notice yourself constantly overanalyzing and rehashing situations in your mind? Want to know what that does? Nothing. It accomplishes absolutely nothing except wasting time – which is precisely what you don’t like, right?! So let’s take a minute and agree that going over and over that conversation in your head hours or days after it’s already happened won’t actually change the conversation. What’s done is done. The best thing you can do is catch yourself and refocus your thoughts on something positive. Focus on where you are in that moment. Choose to be positive and your thoughts will soon follow on their own.

Don’t be perfect, enjoy perfect moments. You love your friends and family and know that they deserve nothing less than perfection, right? But they don’t need the most perfectly planned birthday party every year — they need a perfect hug every day. Or a perfect moment as you laugh at something funny together. They don’t need you to be perfect. The people you love just need to spend perfect everyday moments with you. Allow yourself to enjoy them.

About Mel Wells

Mels Wells is a Certified Health Coach, Eating Psychology Coach, TEDX Speaker and the Bestselling Author of widely acclaimed, ‘The Goddess Revolution’.

She is Hay House’s youngest author and has been featured in the Forbes Under 30, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, BBC Radio 1 and more, as a leading women’s expert in her field.

Mel dedicates her time to helping women worldwide ditch the dieting for good, make peace with food and completely fall in love with themselves so they can live their most epic fulfilled lives. Mel coaches women via her famous online Academy and Goddess Retreats around the world.

Mels Wells is a Certified Health Coach, Eating Psychology Coach, TEDX Speaker and the Bestselling Author of widely acclaimed, ‘The Goddess Revolution’.

She is Hay House’s youngest author and has been featured in the Forbes Under 30, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, BBC Radio 1 and more, as a leading women’s expert in her field.

Mel dedicates her time to helping women worldwide ditch the dieting for good, make peace with food and completely fall in love with themselves so they can live their most epic fulfilled lives. Mel coaches women via her famous online Academy and Goddess Retreats around the world.

If you’re fed up of counting calories, tracking macros, or cutting out gluten/dairy/anything and everything from your diet…

Or if you’re an emotional eater who numbs their feelings with food when they’re feeling low…

Then you need to sign up for my FREE, three part training series, babe, which will help you kick your disordered eating habits to the curb, for GOOD.

Want in? Push the button below!

If you’re fed up of counting calories, tracking macros, or cutting out gluten/dairy/anything and everything from your diet…

Or if you’re an emotional eater who numbs their feelings with food when they’re feeling low…

Then you need to sign up for my FREE, three part training series, babe, which will help you kick your disordered eating habits to the curb, for GOOD.

Want in? Push the button below!